Chilblains(erythema pernio)

Chilblains can also be referred to as Pernio or Perniosis. They most commonly present as itchy red bumps on the toes, fingers, ears or nose. They might appear after they have been subjected to extremely cold temperatures. A possible reason why people get Chilblains is due to poor circulation of the affected area. This might include the way in which the body adapts when subjected to cold weather. The small blood vessels underneath the skin of the extremities (i.e. the fingers) will naturally begin to narrow when the temperature is colder and in order to allow less blood to flow through and reach the skin. When you suddenly come in from the cold weather to warm up, your blood vessels will want to increase in size in order to increase the amount of blood that reaches the skin. When the blood vessels do this very quickly, small amounts of blood might leak through the blood vessels and sit underneath your skin of your fingers and toes, and, this will appear swollen and will possibly be painful. These swollen and inflamed bumps on the skin are Chilblains
Chilblains are common and may occur in people from a variety of ages and backgrounds.

1-Atherosclerosis,buergers s disease,raynaud s phenomenon and arteries.
2-disorder of calciun metabolism.
3-deficiency of some substance in the blood.
1-vasodilators drugs, and correction of blood calcium content.
2-aviodance of exposure to cold.
3-penicillin ointment is often used in a broken skin.

Physical Therapy:
1-galvanic or sinusoidal bathes
2-calcium ionization by iontophoresis
3-ultraviolet light.
4-zinc ionization by iontophoresis in skin lesions and small ulcers.
5-exercises .
6-reflex heating.
carbachol ionization.

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