Potty Wars: 10 Tips for Conquering Potty Training With Ease

As a proud mommy of 7, I am a no amateur to the potty training crusade. I am proud to say I have successfully completed 5 missions, with only two operations left before I can officially earn my PPT (Professional Potty Training) merit badge (well if there was one of course). The only catch is the last two operations may have to be completed simultaneously! I have twin sons, 18 months old, who are showing signs of preparing for battle (i.e. removing diaper without warning every time they go #2). I have my toilet paper helmet, equipped with plunger and I'm ready to take on any potty that’s stands in the way! Luckily I'm armed with enough combat experiences for us all. As moms we're all on the same team so here are a few secret weapons to help you make your mission a complete and care free success!

Secret Weapon #1: Patience
Potty training curiosity usually blossoms around the same time toddlers are emerging their independence. It is best to remain patient and take cues from your child, who will inform you when he/she is ready to go to the bathroom. Signs of showing interest in the potty are remaining dry for long periods of time, tugging at their diaper when they are wet or have had a bowel movement, having regular bowel movements at about the same time every day, or simply asking to be changed. A child should never be forced into potty training simply because of his or her age. Potty training is a procedure that requires love and patience to be implemented for success.

Secret Weapon #2: Consistency
Once your child shows interest in the potty its a good idea to place a potty chair in the bathroom and invite  your child to go when you go. After a few times with you, have your child sit on the potty every 30-60 minutes. Allow them to sit for as long or as short as they would like. This will help keep their interest and see potty training as fun. Remember consistency is the key. To help with timing, its good to sit on the potty on the hour.You can set a timer that goes off when its time to go to the potty or try one of these cute potty watches.

 Secret Weapon #3: Decorating
What better way to have your child feel comfortable in the bathroom then to decorate it in his/her favorite character. This allows the bathroom to be bright and inviting. Who says potty training can't be fun?!

Secret Weapon #4: Praise
Children love praise (who are we kidding even adults love praise). Remember to Cheer your child on for his efforts and especially for his successes going to the potty. You can do this by creating your very own cheer personalized for your child, giving extra hugs, kisses or even tickles to show you are proud of him. If your child is still against the potty it doesn't hurt to show your child you are proud of yourself! Clap for yourself and your partner as you both use the potty. Your child will catch on quickly!

Secret Weapon #5: Bribery
Ok so I know bribing others may be looked down upon, but this is the one time when it is completely ok! For many children praise may be all they need for motivation, but then there are kids like mine. Praise may work at first but bribes are just a sweeter deal! I personally am not a huge fan of bribing with food (for example candy) but don't get me wrong if that’s what works by all means go for it! I would start out with things such as stickers, inexpensive toys (age appropriate), time together outside or phone calls to loved ones (uncle, aunt, nana, papa etc.) to brag about the accomplishments. If you would like to reward with treats then bite size m&ms are a great choice. Also keep in mind that each child is different so it is helpful to use unique bribes that work for your child.

Secret Weapon #6: Aimers
If you have a son this is a fun way for him to interact with the potty. You can purchase "targets" to place in the toilet and have your child aim at them. They can be purchased here. A quick way to save money and still have fun is to simply use cheerios or fruit loops as targets instead.

Secret Weapon #7: Cool Underwear
Similar to decorating the bathroom in your child's favorite characters you can also purchase underwear in your child's favorite characters. If you are using pull-ups perhaps you can find a character that your child is familiar with. I have found myself purchasing pull-ups and then a pack of underwear of my child's choice and then putting the underwear over top the pull-ups. That way your child stays dry from accidents but still gets the motivation of big boy/girl panties.

Secret Weapon #8: Figure out the Fears
Potty training can honestly be a very scary process for some children. If your child cries or seems to fear the potty try to figure out what is causing the fear. Is the bathroom to dull? Is the toilet too big and a potty chair preferred? Is your child scared only when in a bathroom that is unfamiliar? Talk to your child and see if you can gather what may be the problem and do everything you can to fix it.

Secret Weapon #9 Comfort
It is important to ensure your child is comfortable while potty training. If your child seems to fear the bathroom all together try placing a potty chair in their bedroom or in a play room. If he/she is often in the living room, that is a great place to start. Children fear public bathrooms because they are often different than the ones in homes. Public toilets can be a lot larger and more noisy than private bathrooms. A good way to familiarize your toddler with public bathrooms is to allow them to go and flush toilets when you are out. This way they will be used to the difference in sound before the time comes to actually use the public toilet.

Secret Weapon #10: Books
There are several books on the market that are geared towards potty training. If you read to your child at bedtime or before naptime, why not implement a potty book into the book choices? This is a great way for your child to hear about other children and their success with the potty. It's fun to have a doll of choice that can "go to the potty" as well. here are a list of books that are great for potty training just click of the name of the book to find out more:

Potty Time With Elmo

Potty Time With Abby

 Everyone Poops

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