Childcare Provider Characteristics (For Quality Care)

In today's day and age many mother's are opting to work outside the home. This places several children in the hands of childcare providers for hours in the day. As parents do we know if the provider we choose is suitable for the position? The following list provided by the Division of Social Services will help you to decide if your care giver  is among the most qualified. These characteristics are broken down into the following sections: Physical, mental and health, Social, Knowledge, Emotional and General.

Physical, Mental and Health Characteristics:

* Maintains good health
* Has a high energy level; is very active
* Does not use alcohol, drugs, or take medication that will effect responsiveness to children
* Can lift children weighing up to 50lbs.
* Can get on the floor with children and get up quickly
* Can run and play with children in active play
* Is attentive and always alert to the children and what they are doing in the environment
* Can work with and supervise children doing different things at the same time
* Is personally clean and appropriately groomed

Social Characteristics

* Enjoys working with children and their families
* Respects children as individuals
* Respects parents as the primary persons in the lives of their children
* Likes to be in an active, constantly changing environment where the needs of children and their families   come first
* Has good communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. Speaks clearly in English, listens to children and parents, does not use negative words or body language.
* Is courteous, consistent, and positive in interactions with children and parents
* Is considerate of others
* Is alert and sensitive to others' need and uses this sensitivity to anticipate what might happen in given situations
* Is tolerant and appreciates the differences in others' skills, appearances, interests, cultures, and personalities
* Is honest in both monetary and non-monetary matters
* Has a keen sense of responsibility and personal accountability
* Is intectually curious
* Enjoys learning and helping others to learn and solve problems

Knowledge Characteristics

* Can read ans write English at least on an eighth grade level
* Has broad general knowledge and information
* Is well organized and efficient
* Can locate and use resources creatively
* Can observe and evaluate children's progress and problems
* Can make referrals to appropriate resources as needed
* Understands basic behavioral guidance techniques, e.g., redirection, positive guidance, role-modeling, etc.
* Can assist children with learning acceptable behavior and dealing with the logical consequences of unacceptable behavior
* Understands the principles of program planning
* Understands the need for transitions and how to incorporate them successfully into the day-to-day
activities of working with children
* Can plan an environment that stimulates children to be active learners
* Is creative in approaches to problem-solving
* Understands healthy nutrition and the nutritional needs of children
* Knows first aid and rescue breathing or CPR
* Can maintain necessary files and records

Emotional Characteristics

* Is emotionally stable
* Is flexible
* Is warm and affectionate
* Is patient
* Is caring and calm, even in trying situations
* Can control temper
* Has healthy self-esteem
* Can objectively evaluate own performance and takes responsiblity for improving performance based on feedback and self-appraisal
* Can deal with conflict openly,comfortably and constructively,without becoming upset,vengeful or defensive

General Characteristics

* Knows and practices professional ethics
* Keeps information confidential
* Is reliable and available when services are needed and expected and makes arrangements with all necessary parties for time away from responsibilities
* Is interested in ongoing professional development

Reproduced from Choosing Quality Child Care (2006)
Quality Childcare Unit
Division of Childcare and Development
Richmond, VA

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