Mother's day ideas that don't cost a dime

As Mother's Day approaches, many mother's are anxiously anticipating traditional gifts such as jewelry, lavish dinners, flowers, store bought cards and visits to the spa. But there are many mother's (myself included) who prefer more sentimental approaches like creating memories, spending quality time, and receiving heartfelt passages. Rather you are an adult or a child, these ideas will be appreciated by mom. There are some things money just can't buy.

1. Grab a brush and stroke your moms hair. Many women love to have their hair brushed, this actually creates an opportunity for plenty of conversation, while still showing mom it's her day.

2. Get out the vivid colors and polish moms finger and toe nails. This is a fun way to pamper mom and it's sure to bring laughs and a great time spent.

3. Take a large blanket outside in the shade. Spend time with mom laying back and looking at the clouds. Try picking out objects that clouds look like, also talk to mom about things you may have not had a chance to in a while.

4. Go on a walk along the beach with your mom. Talk about old times and find out how mom's life is going currently. Collect seashells along the way, so that mom can keep them to remember this special day.

5. Take a nature walk on a trail through woods or a local park, talk about the surroundings and catch up on what's been going on, let mom know she is loved.

6. Use the phone or take a visit to make up with your mom if you have been upset. Mother's want what's best for us, and though they may mean well at times they still push our buttons. The truth is we only get one so why not take today as an opportunity for forgiving and making up.

7. Write your mother a letter. Let's face it moms do a lot. Take a few moments on this special day to write your mother a few heartfelt words to let her know how special she is. In today's age computers have caused hand written letters to become obsolete, so it will make a great impression that you took the time to hand write. If you are mailing your letter you may want to write it a few days before to ensure she will receive it in time for Mother's Day.

8. Write your mother a poem, rap, song, or short story. If you have a mom who loves warm words or just loves reading in general why not write her a unique message in your favorite form.

9. Get your camera (or borrow one) and take photos of items that represent your unique mom. For instance snap pictures of all of her favorites (colors, food, animal, shoes etc.).Write a small caption beside each photo to explain its significance. You can take a variety of angles for example if your mother is a teacher take a pictures of children, an apple or books. You could also snap items that represent love and put a sweet caption with those. Be creative and come up with your own unique photos for your special mom.

10. Use a clean glass jar and feel it with small messages of appreciation. When mom is feeling down, this is something great for her to look through to lift her spirits no matter what day it is.

*Combine a few of these ideas for an extraordinary Mother's Day.

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