Work It Out!!

Did you know that the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderately intense cardiovascular activity 5x/week or 20 minutes of vigorously intense exercise 3x/week?

In addition to cardiovascular training, strength-training is recommended 2x/week for at least 8-10 different muscle groups. Sounds like a lot, well it's not. There simple things that you can do and you can look up the guidelines at: for more details.

Thanks to Jeanene Cannon of Physique Complete for helping us start/continue on that plan with a nice small group Boot Camp tonight. If you are not sure how to start your program, she can be of great assistance to you. Check out her website at: to see all of her offerings which include: 1-on-1 Personal Training, Boot Camp Classes, Nutrition Consults, Mommy/Baby Training Classes and much more.

At ESPT, we also offer personal training, with the goal of improving sports performance or postural conditioning. Two of our physical therapists are certified by the NSCA as Strength and Conditioning Specialists. This is the gold-standard of personal training certifications and is required by anyone wanting to work with Intercollegiate or Professional athletes.

Feel free to contact us at 510-656-3777 or for more details about our personal training packages.

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