Just as there are many areas of medicine that one can specialize in (neurology, cardiology, nephrology, orthopedics, dermatology, etc.), the American Physical Therapy Association has established 7 specialty areas that physical therapists can be board certified in. Only 10% of the physical therapists in the U.S. are Board Certified in a specialty, which requires demonstrated experience in the specialty field and a passing score on an extensive written exam. This allows the Board Certified Specialist to display that they have a greater breadth of knowledge and skills in a particular area of practice than their peers. This includes sports rehabilitation.
So next time you are looking for someone with true knowledge in sports physical therapy, you want someone Board Certified as a Sports Clinical Specialist. These specialists must be certified athletic trainers or EMT's, and must have completed at least 2,000 hours working directly with athletes. They know the biomechanics of sport, exercise physiology, and sports medicine. And they know how to get you back in the game!!!
For an article about treating athletes with quotes from our director, please see: http://news.todayinpt.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080526/TODAYINPT0105/80523019
For more about what sets Elite Sports Physical Therapy apart from our competitors, please visit our website at: www.espt-ca.com.
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